My mom and I in Boqueron, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, 2017.
This morning I finally spoke with my mom, Lydia, in the Boqueron section of Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. The last time I heard my mom’s voice was before Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico. Almost two weeks after the hurricane, food and water has not yet reached Cabo Rojo and most likely other towns in the south west part of the island.
My mom says the supermarkets near her are empty, water pressure is almost non-existent, there is still no electricity, it’s hot, she’s getting headaches, and she and her husband Hector have about three more days of can food left.
“We’re suffering,” my mom told me. “I want to leave Puerto Rico now.”
My mom’s flight to New York is scheduled for October 12. My family will send some packages to my mom and Hector, but I hope they get the items. In such a desparate state, the odds of the packages getting to them may be 50/50, but we have to try.
Fortunately, Hector’s cell phone started to get reception today, but the phone can’t be recharged. Things are getting dire for my mom and Hector in Cabo Rojo, PR. The most frustrating thing for me is the sense of feeling helpless. I need to find a way to help my mom.
The world needs to know there are people in Puerto Rico reaching the end of their rope. These people, my people, American citizens, need our help. Food and water needs to reach remote areas of Puerto Rico now.
Though I cannot do much physically to help my mom, I can respond to my mom’s scream for help by magnifying it as loudly as possible.
(UPDATE: On Thursday, Oct. 5, I received word that my mom and Hector are OK with food and things are getting a bit better overall. There are still others struggling and I hope things get better all around very soon.)
Very well stated Phil.
Tune the USA into this!
Phil: I’m so sorry to hear your mom’s suffering. I hope your family is reunited soon. I sent a modest donation to Oxfam America for PR. A drop in the bucket, I know. — Bob
It broke my heart to read this
I cried
I pray ur mom n hector are ok
Flight date is near
God bless them
I’ll pray for them tonite at church
God bless u Cuzo
I hope you reach your mother soon!
I wish the President would order enough troops, especially those that can drive truck, to Puerto Rico. Also, if they know where the current drivers list that cannot get to work, they should airlift them.
Come on people, think outside the box!